Category: Vegetarian
June 6, 2009
This sauce is perfect on grilled, baked, or broiled chicken or fish. It’s also good on french fries. Extra sauce freezes beautifully. In fact, I’ll make a batch of this when I have peppers and tomatoes to …
March 1, 2009

When I make tzatziki, sometimes I drain the cucumbers, sometimes I don’t. I know I’m supposed to, but it doesn’t seem to make much difference. I’ve sometimes wondered if perhaps my practice …
February 22, 2009
The first time I went vrouves-picking with Mama, I confidently assured her that I knew which plants were the mustard plants, and went off into the middle of a good patch. I quickly filled my bag with mustard leaves, …
February 16, 2009

Shown served as a topping for yogurt.
3.5 pounds quince
1 TB lemon juice
4.5 cups water
4.5 pounds sugar
scented geranium or vanilla
Cook it!
The recipe says to peel and core …
October 1, 2008
I’m drowning in work right now, but these candied grapes in syrup are a quick and easy confection to make, so I made them.

2 lb …
August 31, 2008
Greek recipes calling for yogurt, such as Tzatziki, invariably call for Greek-style yogurt, which means that the yogurt has been drained of its liquid whey. But you can easily drain American yogurt to use in Greek recipes, and …
August 12, 2008

The name of this dish betrays its Italian origins. It comes from parts of Greece closest to Italy – the western Peloponnesos and the Ionian. This is a family …
July 11, 2008
Mama makes her traditional recipes from memory, but when memory needs a little boost, she hauls out her battered old copy of Megali Mageiriki. The classic Greek cookbook, it’s very 1950’s, complete with faded photos …
June 20, 2008
 “Aman vre Lulu, you’re not the first person to burn something!” But I was still upset; how could I screw up such a simple dish? And not just …
May 29, 2008
It’s grape leaf time! Late spring wherever you are is the time to harvest grape leaves for cooking, most especially for making dolmades.

I usually forget …
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