Category: Vegetables
June 6, 2009
This sauce is perfect on grilled, baked, or broiled chicken or fish. It’s also good on french fries. Extra sauce freezes beautifully. In fact, I’ll make a batch of this when I have peppers and tomatoes to …
March 1, 2009

When I make tzatziki, sometimes I drain the cucumbers, sometimes I don’t. I know I’m supposed to, but it doesn’t seem to make much difference. I’ve sometimes wondered if perhaps my practice …
February 22, 2009
The first time I went vrouves-picking with Mama, I confidently assured her that I knew which plants were the mustard plants, and went off into the middle of a good patch. I quickly filled my bag with mustard leaves, …
June 29, 2008
Moschari me fasolakia is a Greek beef stew that features green beans. The cooking liquid is fresh tomato puree, with water added as needed.

Ingredients (All amounts are flexible and …
May 27, 2008
The basic Greek tomato salad is much simpler than the famous horiatiki. You just need tomatoes, onion (preferably red onion), salt, olive oil, and a bit of oregano.
Core the tomatoes and cut them lengthwise into …
May 25, 2008
I’ve never liked cooked bell peppers at all, and so I didn’t think I liked any cooked peppers. But this dish changed my mind.

8 long peppers (italian, banana, anaheim, etc), approximately 1.5 …
May 9, 2008
Zoe’s mama always insisted her children put the utmost effort into school, and didn’t distract them too much with cleaning and cooking chores. As a result, Zoe reached adulthood without having ever made the classic Greek green bean dish …